
Why Study in the Netherlands?


International Work Experience

Gaining international work experience is very important for those who are considering entering the job market today. Dutch Universities are aware of the importance of real-world experience for their students. They offer comprehensive support and advice to help students experience business life by combining academic studies with work experience.

Personal Attention and Learning Support

Dutch universities attach great importance to the relationship between academic and administrative staff and students. It emphasizes the importance of one-on-one communication with the student in addition to classroom education.

Theoretical + Practical Education System

The most important goal of Dutch universities is to ensure that students acquire and apply the knowledge and skills they will need throughout their career. That's why most Dutch universities have extensive links with international employers and universities, giving you the chance to gain international experience as part of your studies.

Soft Skills

During the job search phase after graduation, soft skills often play an important role in a successful career. Dutch Universities care about the soft skills development of students and provide support to them to improve their skills, especially in areas such as teamwork, communication and presentation skills.

English Education

Many departments at Dutch universities provide education in English. For this reason, it is preferred by international students.